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3 Space Facts the you Should Know

The human mind by nature awes at the vastness of the space above. This is because of all the natural features like stars that occur during different times of the year on the clouds. For a long time now, humans have been trying to find explanations for the things that happen in space. The space as we know it is filled with planets and other bodies like the steroids and stars. But not too much is understood about the space on a factual foundation. This is because of the less space exploration done by the different countries with the means. This however doesn’t follow that there aren’t any details about the distance. Listed below are some of the known facts about the space.

At the center of the universe you will find the sun. The sun was proven to contain a substantial bulk of thing, which is filled by around a million times the mass of ground. This attribute makes the sun the most crucial component of the universe. In addition to this, the sun earth orbits the sun. With this in mind, it is important to state that the sun makes up to 99. 8 % of the entire universe.

It’s also important to notice the fact that the most popular planet isn’t one which is nearest to sunlight. From basic knowledge it is known that mercury is the planet that is close to the sun. One of the substantial characteristic that doesn’t make mercury the hottest planet is the simple fact that it doesn’t have an air. This leaves it warm during the day if its surface is totally exposed to sunlight. During the day the temperatures can go up to 425 degrees Celsius. Nonetheless, at night the planet gets cold as low as -180 degree Celsius. The hottest planet in space is Venus due to the ability of its thick clouds to trap the heat coming from the sun making it hot at all times. It can reach up to 500 degree Celsius in hotness.

A very interesting fact about metals in space is that it sticks together when two of them come together. They attach to each other in a process called cold welding. This is due to lack of atmosphere in the area. In the world, this procedure doesn’t happen without specific treatment. This is due to the availability of oxygen in atmosphere. However, cold welding is used in some of the manufacturing process on earth, under specialized conditions. Those equipment put on by astronauts do not get affected by this because of the coat of oxide put put in them.

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