Friday, 3/5/2024 | 5:35 UTC+0
  • Furniture Stores | Cozy Living Room Must-Haves

    Living rooms are meant to be comfortable enough for you and your family to relax in. Here are 4 essential pieces to keep the area nice, warm, and cozy. 

    4 Must-Haves for a Cozy Living Room (Header 1)

    Designing the living room is one of the most exciting parts of moving into a new place, remodeling, or redecorating. You get to visit furniture stores and look for pieces that express your personal style and show your creativity. But, most homeowners make the mistake of focusing too much on the aesthetic that they forget the most important factor of a living area: comfort. 

    The living room should be a place where you, your family, and your visitors can hang out and spend time together. Most importantly, it’s an area made for relaxing. So not only should it be aesthetically pleasing, but it should also be comfortable. Here are 4 must-haves for …

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  • Increase The Worth Of Your Living Space With This Plan

    If you are ready to embark on home improvement projects, proper planning and knowledge is vital to getting the results that you want. The piece that follows is full of great information for those contemplating home repairs and improvements.

    You want a flourishing lawn and plants in your yard. One of the best ways to attain this is to fertilize them in the fall, before the first frost. This will give them a boost when they start to grow again in the spring. This extra feeding will bring rewards all of the next summer.

    If you have a tear in your screen-door or window-screen, here’s a quick tip you can use that will save you money. For tears that are small, use a bit of clear nail polish. For a slightly larger tear, apply a bit of cling wrap to each side of the screen. This quick patch will do …

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