Wednesday, 8/5/2024 | 7:16 UTC+0
  • Managing PRINCE2 Foundation Project Management

    Our work as managers is defined by the projects we handle.  The same is true for the team members.  This is the way that we manage them.  A conflict may arise from looking after too many projects.  The “project management” offered by the Project Management Institute, can be represented by the Project Management Office (PMO) described in the PMP Guide.  We do not need to decide the best way to handle any project.  Rather, we learn how to handle the projects we manage in core, given knowledge of the other projects in our area of control. As you can find on a PRINCE 2 Foundation Courses and training.

    The PMBOK describes management of projects and work as directing, initiating, and monitoring.  Those issues are aspects of “project management.”  There are other aspects, but those are the two which the PMBOK describes.  These are also core for what we need to learn to manage our projects successfully.

    For example, we could manage a project by …

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