When it comes to designing and building your shipping cargo van house, one of the most significant steps you need to do is to buy the right cargo container that suits your needs. These cargo vans form the foundation of your build, serving as the floor, walls, roof and the overall structural support of your building.
While a lot of people think that these cargo units are interchangeable and very strong, any type will work if used properly. Your decision of what kind of unit to buy, the condition and their quality are very important to avoid future structural problems that can be very dangerous or worse, fatal to the people living inside the building.
And let us assume that everyone has a specific budget to meet, there is no point in spending more money than you intended for the product that you do not actually need. For a given type and size of container units (the options need to be understood first), you can have a vast difference in performance, aesthetics, and, most importantly, the cost.
In this article, we will take a closer look at the pros, the cons and the price of the option you will find for sale in the market today. We will also take a closer look at how shipping containers are being inspected while they are still being used, and we will teach you how to check your own cargo unit before you decide to buy them.
For example, finding the right sized storage container in Ohio is not that simple. You need to check every possible scenario and information. Knowing the pros and cons of owning or renting a cargo unit if you are in Ohio can be very helpful to avoid any future problems.
Why is the unit’s condition critical when you but a cargo container unit?
Before you decide to buy a shipping cargo van, you need to know which units you want to buy. It is imperative to buy the right container unit, which will go hand-in-hand with planning the cargo van house properly. The planning and the design will dictate the type, as well as the size of the unit you will purchase (there are two standard sizes, the 20-footer and the 40-footer unit).
But choosing the right cargo unit does not stop there. The second part of your decision is to know what kind of condition you need or want from your unit that will be used in your project. There’s always a temptation to cut every possible corner, even for a little bit, but sacrificing the condition and buy a less expensive unit than what you need in order to save some money.
But it is not recommended. You can end up buying a weak unit or a cargo van that requires a lot of repair work before they are fit to be used for your structure. Try to fix these situations because it can cause your structure to spiral out of control and can affect the integrity of your entire project.
The condition of the unit is determined through inspection, whether informal or formal. Different kinds of checks can take place in the container’s life. It includes the inspection that you can do by yourself when you buy the cargo van.
To know more about shipping or intermodal containers, click here.
Different kinds of professional inspections
Inspecting the containers is something that starts during the making of the unit and continues over its entire lifespan. As a matter of fact, manufacturers have their own facilities, processes and designs inspected before the container is made.
Once the customer takes the delivery of the item, it will undergo a lot of test and inspections that will take place during the transition between the carriers and the terminal, between the renter and the owner, during the changes in the transport vehicle or change in ownership, or through other custody changes.
One organization that touches all of the things mentioned above is the International CSC or the Convention for Safe Containers. The CSC decided during the early 70s that cargo vans needed a reasonable system for repair, workers and maintenance in order to help provide a safe environment for the public, workers on the vessels, as well as land-based personnel that focuses on working with a specific cargo unit.
You are probably familiar with the Convention for Safe Containers’ CDP or their Combined Data Plates that are mounted in front of the cargo vans, that record some of the background information and specification that are relevant to that particular container.
For cargo vans that are still in service, the CSC mandates that the operators use an Approved Continuous Examination Program or a Periodic Examination Scheme to make sure that safety standards are being tested and they are met. Periodic Examination Scheme includes checking the facility every 30 months.
Every small detail will be recorded in their CDP or Combined Data Plates. ACEP requires business owners to subject their facilities to inspections that are correlated with specific custody changes or facility repairs, but it needs to happen at least as often as possible.
The ACEP number is then put on the CDP or nearby correlates and decal to their online database that will record their administrator, operator, as well as other relevant information, The actual dates of the inspections are not publicly recorded the same ways as the PES inspectors are recording the information on the CDP or the Combined Data Plate.
TO find out more about container examination, check out http://www.hse.gov.uk/ports/container-examination.htm for more information.
Both programs can help business owners monitor and check the maintenance and the condition of their cargo container vans, but they do not require specific repair guidelines or inspection criteria. But instead, cargo unit owners sometimes regulate their business by themselves with the help of different industry organizations that have produced standards for repair and inspection.
But there are various requirements for shipping cargo units held by different shipping companies as compared to businesses that simply rent out the cargo vans.
As a buyer or renter, you are now in an excellent position. You now understand the meaning behind different conditions of the unit you are trying to lease or buy, you now know the downsides and the benefits of different options, and you know how to check a cargo van to make sure that what is written will match the reality.