Dog Breed Characters You Should Know About

There are so many dog breeds out there that it can be really hard to pick one. Dogs have different characters and you may not like some types of characters and you may really like some. If you get a dog and you do not know what that dog breed’s general character is, you may end up wanting to give it away because you really do not like their character. If ever you are planning to get a dog, you should do some research about the character of that dog before you get it or you might no like it. There are many characters that you do not really know about until you get to own that certain dog breed for a while; we are going to tell you a little bit about certain dog breed characters so if you are interested just keep on reading down below.

The first dog breed that we are going to talk to you about today is the Labrador retriever so if you are planning to get this type of dog, you should really keep on reading so that you will know what their character is like. You may really want to get a dog that will guard your house and your place from robbers and thieves so you are really looking to get a lab because they look really big and scary. Never get a lab if you really are looking for a good guard dog because labs will not really do a very good job at guarding your house from anyone. If you have a lab at home, you may notice that they are really friendly to everyone who visits your house even to the guests that enter into your very own rooms. If you want to get a guard dog for your house or for your property, you should really not get a lab retriever because they can not really guard well.

The next breed that we are going to tell you about is the Jack Russell Terrier which is a pretty small breed of a dog. Many people think that because these JRT’s are really small that they are really easy to handle and to keep calm but these people are mistaken. What these people do not really know is that these terriers are really good hunters and very hyper as well. If you like hunting dogs, you should really get a jack russell terrier because these dogs were really bread to hunt. Hunting dogs are usually really good sniffers so they will really hunt whatever is in your house such as lizards, rats, mice and the like. If you want a lazy dog, you should really try getting a pug instead.

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