Thursday, 2/5/2024 | 10:22 UTC+0

    Horned kratom leaves are so named for the odd, spiked shape of their kratom leaves. Carefully cultivated within the remote jungles of Borneo, it’s been used as a folk medicine in Southeast Asia by those affected by joint pain and muscle weakness.

    Its long duration and lack of kratom hangover make it a must have strain among serious kratomites. Those that have brewed Green Horn have reported improved mood, cognitive enhancement and a general sense of well-being. Although kratom isn’t approved for medicinal use by the FDA, users have insisted that it’s a valuable Ayurveda herb that benefits them during a number of areas.

    Green Horn ranks high on any list of the simplest green strains with users giving it four out of 5 stars. As a matter of fact, it’s even scored a top spot on our list of the simplest kratom strains.

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